Review 2025.01.008

Reviewers Note: It is the beginning of 2025 and one of the skills I desire to grow in is that of writing book reviews (having never done this before). I am doing this so I can better hone my writing (and reading) skills as I seek to think more critically about the books I am reading. I am sharing on Goodreads for my own personal development. I know this will be something I am always growing in so if you actually read these, please be patient with me as I develop this skill. I will also receive constructive criticism if you desire to help me become a better writer (and reader). I plan to use this disclaimer for the entire 2025 year.

Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas

288 Pages

For some reason I thought this was a prayer book.  I am not sure where I got this idea.  It does talk about prayer but it is a bit more than that.  In this book, Mr. Thomas talks about nine different ways to relate to God.  He calls them sacred pathways and temperaments. To be clear, this isn’t a one and done list.  These are ways you can augment your current worship with new ways to worship.  That is not to say that all of them will apply to you but you can expand your possibilities.  The nine pathways are:

  1. Naturalist
  2. Sensates
  3. Traditionalists
  4. Ascetics
  5. Activists
  6. Caregivers
  7. Enthusiasts
  8. Contemplatives
  9. Intellectuals

Now, even though it was not a prayer book, I really enjoyed it. I would put myself in the ascetic, contemplative, and intellectual areas as my primary ways to worship.  Within the past year, I have added some liturgy to my life (traditionalist) and have grown to like it.  And I plan to increase the liturgy in my life.  I am oddly excited about praying the scriptural stations of the cross this coming Good Friday (2025).

As I read some of these other pathways, I asked myself if there were any ways I could add elements to my own lifestyle. The first one I considered was incense (sensates) but strong smells really distract me.  I do not even use laundry detergent with any scents. So that was out.  I am not sure how I could incorporate activism, caregiving, or enthusiasm into my life which leaves nature.

I actually have prayer walking on my list but most of the places I would consider walking would be in the city (at the local high schools or my neighborhood).  And while that is more than I am used to doing (I’m a man who lives in tents like Jacob), it is not being in nature.  But it would be a good first step.

One of the really good points in the book is that God made all different kinds of people with all different kinds of temperaments.  And while we tend to want to be around like people, the church should be made up of all types so that we can learn to appreciate different aspects of God and His kingdom.  It was a very unifying book.

It was an easy read.  I definitely recommend it for people interested in expanding their ways to worship and those interested in church unity.  It would be a good micro-read for some people.

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