Review 2025.01.006

Reviewers Note: It is the beginning of 2025 and one of the skills I desire to grow in is that of writing book reviews (having never done this before). I am doing this so I can better hone my writing (and reading) skills as I seek to think more critically about the books I am reading. I am sharing on Goodreads for my own personal development. I know this will be something I am always growing in so if you actually read these, please be patient with me as I develop this skill. I will also receive constructive criticism if you desire to help me become a better writer (and reader). I plan to use this disclaimer for the entire 2025 year.

Spoilers – Nothing Major

Alliance by Dwain Worrell

329 Pages

This is book two in the Androne series by Dwain Worrell.  I probably enjoyed this book more than the first. I was already familiar with the world so it took no time to jump right into the story.  Where the first book introduced you to Harmony as a child, this book catches up to her as an adult. We get hints of the things she has gone through over the years to help us form who she has become. As I watched Harmony struggle with who she was and her relationship with others, I was able to relate. Her struggle is one we all face. Mr. Worrell did a good job in both books of helping me connect to both main characters.

I can’t say this is a time travel book but the use of the quantum realm to engage in different times was very entertaining. In the first book Paxton meets Harmony as a young girl. Between the two books, Paxton advances 7 or 8 years while Harmony advances around 20 years. This wasn’t the only example of engaging different points in the timeline. Harmony talks to her mother at the same point in time from the mother’s perspective but weeks or months apart from Harmony’s. Definitely one of my favorite features of this book and series.

I’m not sure if the language was more pronounced than the first book but it felt that way to me.  I mentioned in my review of Androne that I do not prefer language but it did fit with Paxton’s character.  And while it could fit with Harmony’s character, I would have preferred less of it.  It didn’t feel like it added anything to who she was.  Just my personal opinion, of course.  It did not prevent me from finishing and enjoying the book.

I do not always read the epilogues of books and almost skipped reading this one but I’m glad I did not. It gave me a much better sense of completion and made me smile. I was not expecting what happened at all.  A good surprise.

If you read and enjoyed Androne, then you will enjoy reading this book too.  I recommend it with the same caveats as Androne.

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